Lummis Applauds New Labeling Requirements for US Meat

March 9, 2023

New Requirement is ‘Win for Wyoming Ranchers & Farmers’

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) applauded a decision by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack that tightens the requirements for beef, pork, chicken and eggs to earn a ‘Product of the US’ label. The new regulation will recognize the superiority of Wyoming agriculture products and better inform consumers about the country of origin and quality of their food.  

“Throughout my time in the House and Senate, I have been a strong proponent of Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for meat that has been born, raised, slaughtered and processed in the United States,” said Senator Lummis. “I am thrilled to see Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announce his support for Wyoming farmers and ranchers and put forth new requirements for the ‘Product of the US’ label. There is still a need for a legislative fix, and I will keep pushing for one here in the U.S. Senate.” 

While the new labeling requirements are a step in the right direction, Senator Lummis is committed to fully closing the regulatory loopholes that have allowed cattle born and raised in foreign countries to be labeled ‘Product of the US’. Earlier this year, Senator Lummis reintroduced the American Beef Labeling Act which would reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) for beef by requiring that cattle be born, raised and slaughtered in America to earn the highly sought after ‘Product of the US’ label. 
