Lummis blasts Toxic, Good-Old-Boy Culture at FDIC and Lack of Accountability at the Agency

November 14, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) grilled Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Martin Gruenberg after the Wall Street Journal published reports of a toxic work environment and pervasive sexual harassment at the FDIC. In the exchange, Senator Lummis expressed her outrage at Chairman Gruenberg’s inability to fix the alleged toxic culture at the FDIC and called out the agency’s hollow attempts to “address the problem.” 

Click here to watch Senator Lummis’ remarks.

Senator Lummis: “You know, if [people were vomiting in the elevator or urinating off of the roof] in my office, I’d be doing a lot more than ‘looking at it.’ I mean, that’s so far beyond the pale of what would be acceptable human behavior anywhere let alone in what is supposed to be a respected federal agency. Just looking at it or having a third party come in and evaluate—that is bureaucratic mumbo jumbo for ‘we’re doing nothing, and nothing is going to improve.’ And I think this is so far beyond the pale… I’m just going to say you sure as heck better do something about it.” 
