Lummis Condemns Passage of Massive Democrat Spending Bill

March 6, 2021

Nearly $2 Trillion Bill Passed Without Republican Input & Includes Millions of Dollars for Non-COVID Related Spending

Senator Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming criticized President Biden and Senate Democrats following Senate passage of a massive $1.9 trillion spending bill passed without Republican input and which contains millions of dollars in spending completely unrelated to COVID-19 relief. 

Of the bill, Senator Lummis said:

“Even after the most egregious, progressive handouts were stripped from this behemoth bill, we were left with a spending bill full of programs that have nothing to do with the targeted, temporary relief the people of Wyoming need to weather the rest of this pandemic.

“What’s worse, after the two parties worked together on five different occasions last year to bring relief to the American people, Democrats decided this time to ignore Republican input or support at any point along the way – and this massive price tag is what they have to show for it. Just yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office warned about the staggering costs of paying back our national debt in coming decades if Congress continues to spend recklessly. Eventually, we are going to have to answer for the money we are borrowing to pay for bills like this – I fear that day is coming soon.”

Sen. Lummis submitted seven amendments to the bill including an amendment to make the Shuttered Venue Grant program more accessible to Wyoming businesses like concert venues and rodeo grounds, an amendment to redirect money from Amtrak to help the rural aviation industry, and multiple amendments to ensure relief money is properly allocated to things like veterans’ services and Tribal health care.
