Lummis Expresses Concerns Over President Biden’s Funding Request

October 20, 2023

Washington, D.C.— Today, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) expressed her concerns after President Joe Biden sent Congress a $100 billion funding request to provide aid to Ukraine and Israel. 

“The Biden administration should not use the crisis in Israel – and our desire to help our strongest ally – to get additional funding for Ukraine across the finish line, especially as people in Wyoming struggle to afford record-breaking inflation rates,” said Lummis. “The wars we’re seeing unfold in both Israel and Ukraine are heartbreaking, but they are two separate conflicts, and the aid we give one country should not be contingent on another.”

This week, Lummis joined eight of her colleagues in sending a letter to Senate leadership requesting that aid packages for Israel and Ukraine be voted on separately. Click here to read the full letter.

Congress has already provided $113 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. With our national debt of $33 trillion, Lummis has concerns over continuing to spend billions of dollars on foreign assistance without a means to pay for it at a time when there are real issues facing the American people including the southern border crisis and record-high inflation due to the government’s excessive spending.
