Lummis Fights Back Against the Biden Administration’s Efforts to Police Free Speech in Wyoming

July 21, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) joined U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in introducing the Free Speech Protection Act that would prohibit federal employees and contractors from using their positions to censor and attack speech protected by the First Amendment. This legislation would protect the Constitutional rights of the people of Wyoming and prevent the federal government from engaging in the types of egregious overreach that have become all too common under the Biden administration. 

“There are no ifs, ands or buts about the First Amendment and it is high-time that the White House and unelected bureaucrats in Washington abide by our Constitution,” said Senator Lummis. “I take the protection of the privacy and individual liberties of the people of Wyoming extremely serious. If we let the Biden administration restrict our freedom of speech, there is no telling what other sacred freedoms they will come for next.”

Click here to view the bill.


  • A federal judge recently issued an injunction restricting the Biden administration from collaborating with social media companies to censor and suppress constitutionally protected speech.
  • The ruling comes after the Biden administration repeatedly bragged about its frequent communication with social media companies with the intent to censor and limit free speech.
  • The Free Speech Protection Act would prevent further abuse of the First Amendment by:
    • Mandating frequent publicly accessible reports from the heads of executive branch agencies detailing the communications between an executive branch agency and a content provider, as well as prevent agencies from employing any FOIA exemption to prevent disclosure of prohibited communications.
    • Ensuring that federal grant money is not received by any entity that seeks to label media organizations as sources of misinformation or disinformation.
    • Terminating several programs and authorities that threaten free speech and other constitutionally protected rights. 
