Lummis Slams EPA’s Green New Deal Policies in EPW Hearing

May 8, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Lummis grilled Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael S. Regan during an Environmental and Public Works Committee hearing on this administration’s outrageous FY2025 Budget and the deluge of EPA regulations that undermine American energy and impose unrealistic electric vehicle (EV) mandates. 

“Instead of clearing the way for states like Wyoming to maximize our vast resources to power the world and bolster our economy, this administration continues to push its unrealistic, domestic energy-killing policies that kneecap our critical resources to cater to climate alarmists,” said Lummis. “The EPA’s latest budget proposal underscores just how blissfully ignorant this administration is to the needs of the west and how unsustainable its Green New Deal policies are. While this administration continues running around screaming that the sky is falling, it is willfully eroding consumer choice by pushing unrealistic EV mandates and serving up energy contracts to foreign adversaries while American energy producers struggle to stay afloat.”

Watch Senator Lummis’ remarks here.
