The Real Reason for Our Pain At the Pump

July 15, 2022

Pain at the pump is all too common these days as people in Wyoming are filling up to drive to work and go on vacation. The Biden administration would like Americans to believe that this is solely due to Russian aggression in Ukraine. While the ongoing conflict there certainly does not help the case, the Biden administration has been nothing but hostile toward our domestic energy industry since day one. 

Biden’s Anti-Energy ActionsGas Prices
Jan 20, 2021 – Revokes permit for the Keystone XL pipeline                                                                                              $2.39               
Jan 27, 2021 – Pauses all oil and gas leasing on federal lands and offshore waters$2.46
May 20, 2021 – Issues an executive order instructing the financial sector to take climate change into account when doing business$3.03
May 20, 2021 – President Biden waives sanctions on the Russian Nord Stream II pipeline, prioritizing the Russian state-controlled energy industry over domestic energy prosperity$3.03
May 28, 2021 – Biden administration budget proposes increased taxes on oil & gas companies$3.03
Aug 5, 2021 – Issues an executive order promoting electric vehicles over traditional vehicles$3.12
Aug 11, 2021 – President Biden calls on OPEC to increase oil production$3.17
Nov 17, 2021 – President Biden accuses oil companies of price gouging$3.40
Nov 23, 2021 – President Biden orders a sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve$3.40
Jan 14, 2022 – EPA implements new rule regarding methane emissions from new oil and gas wells$3.30
Feb 16, 2022 – Biden administration misses first quarter lease sale for oil and gas development$3.44
March 1, 2022 – Ordered a sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve$4.10
March 21, 2022 – The Securities and Exchange Commission proposes a rule requiring companies to disclose their carbon footprints when seeking capital$4.24
May 24, 2022 – Department of Energy announces another sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve$4.60
July 13, 2022 – President Biden asks Saudi officials to produce more oil$4.63

President Biden’s continued hostility toward our domestic energy industry caused this problem. Putin simply exacerbated it.

American energy companies – Wyoming energy companies – are ready to meet the demands we are facing. They just need the regulatory freedom to be able to do so. President Biden needs to take the burdens off of them and unleash American energy independence.